You’re Only As Good…

cc licensed flickr photo shared by neurmadic aesthetic

Every day I am at school, I try my best to recognize and connect with as many people as possible.  From doing the little things like commenting on someone’s shirt or noticing a hair cut. I try my best to show others that I notice them.

Tonight, one year after my first “Meet the Teacher Night” as a principal, I stood in the gym and had the chance to introduce our staff to the parents.  This year was so different because I had seen the amazing things that they have done for the last year and how they care about kids.  I have watched them grow and take risks in their own learning.  The have role modeled to students what a lifelong learner is and have grown alongside them.

Then there are our parents.  Not only are our parents supportive and caring, they go out of their way to ask questions and learn alongside our kids.  They do not blindly let our school lead the way, but they ask and want to learn. They are open to change and want what is best. They share their ideas and care for our kids. We share trust and know that if we work together, every child can be a leader and follow their passion.

No matter what I do, my success is always tied to the greatness of my staff and school community.  Fortunately, I am surrounded by fantastic people and I know that without them, my “job” would not be as enjoyable.

I really want to challenge every administrator to stop and realize the contributions that the people around them make everyday.  It is essential that we step back and realize how  good we have it.  I know I am blessed.

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