World-Renowned Speaker on Innovation in Education

Empowering a new generation of educators with transformative insights and practical strategies for the dynamic world of education.


Educational Innovator: Igniting Learning

I have had the privilege of working with schools and organizations in every state in the US and every province in Canada, as well as events in Europe, Asia, Australia and South America! It has been amazing to work with educators all over the world and to receive this incredible feedback!

Bridging Conversations: Connecting People, Passion, and Education

Not only have I worked with educators but also parents, students, school boards, as well as industry outside of education. Through conversations, both online and face-to-face, I work before, during, and after presentations to empower participants and to build strong connections to not only the content I am discussing but also to myself as a presenter and educator.

Keynotes & Workshops

Explore the speaking topics I am passionate about, where I merge insights from a lifelong journey in education with the practical applications of today’s and tomorrow’s technologies. When working with groups, the focus is on discussing the “why” through a keynote and reinforcing it with hands-on workshops. This format propels learning forward, ensuring participants leave with actionable tools and strategies ready for immediate implementation in educational settings.

10 Timeless Principles for Learning, AI, and Emerging Technologies in Education

Embracing Innovation to Help Every Learner Find Success in Their Own Way

Laying the Foundation for Innovation in Education

Leading Innovative Teaching and Learning ​

Embracing Innovation to Help Every Learner Find Success in Their Own Way

Laying the Foundation for Innovation in Education

10 Timeless Principles for Learning, AI, and Emerging Technologies in Education

Navigate the intersection of timeless educational principles and cutting-edge technologies to cultivate a future-ready learning environment.

In the rush to embrace all things Artificial Intelligence—or to block it from schools entirely—we must ask ourselves: How do we focus on what is timeless rather than simply jumping on what is new? There is a reason that books focused on principles and stoicism are rapidly flying off the (digital) shelves while, at the same time, Artificial Intelligence seems to be in every conversation.

What are the connections to the past that will help us embrace the future? What are the principles we need to embrace today that will help us lead our students and ourselves to create new and better opportunities for learning?

How do we lead with curiosity to embrace and leverage emerging technologies and AI, while focusing on our humanity to develop wisdom in an ever-changing world?

Embracing Innovation to Help Every Learner Find Success in Their Own Way

Unlock the full potential of every student with innovative strategies that foster growth mindsets and embrace the ever-changing educational landscape.

Carol Dweck’s work has honed in on the concepts of “fixed” and “growth” mindset, but as educators, we must venture further with these ideas to foster the learning opportunities our students and schools merit. It’s not only about what we know but also how we utilize that knowledge. Change is ever-present, and with the advent of new avenues for learning and evolution through technology, such as AI and emerging technologies, it’s crucial that we are proactive not just in response to changes but also in creating change.

In this talk, George will explore the principles and characteristics of “The Innovator’s Mindset”—a concept detailed in his book of the same name—and present compelling reasons why this mindset is essential for educators to cultivate outstanding learning opportunities, not only for their students but also for themselves.

Known for their emotional depth and humor, George’s presentations engage audiences on a level that resonates both intellectually and emotionally. This message is not just for the moment; it’s crafted to stay with you, affecting genuine change that extends far beyond the talk itself.

Laying the Foundation for Innovation in Education

Initiate meaningful change by cultivating a culture of innovative learning that equips all students to thrive in a dynamic educational landscape.

Initiating change is the best approach to managing the transformations we wish to see in our schools and classrooms. As we prompt our staff to create innovative learning opportunities for ALL students, we must identify the foundational elements required to foster and support teachers in their methodologies, and understand their significance. We cannot be content with simply leading; we must also create innovative educational environments that are suited for today and tomorrow by focusing on evolving past forms of leadership.

How do we ensure that our educators, communities, and students receive support without feeling overwhelmed? Embracing the “Innovator’s Mindset” is essential when innovation becomes a necessity rather than an option for all learners, including ourselves. The essence of innovative teaching and learning lies in four critical areas that demand our deeper thought and encourage us to broaden our perspectives. These include new learning opportunities and emerging technologies, which together forge an environment that nurtures our students to become leaders not just of tomorrow, but of today.

It’s crucial that every learner in our schools achieves success in ways that are meaningful to them. Let’s engage in redefining our fundamental elements to aid those we serve in finding their unique paths to success.

Leading Innovative Teaching and Learning

Discover the ‘why’ behind innovation in education and learn how to inspire change within your organization.

While schools continue to progress, change can often present challenges. By anchoring our focus on an innovator’s mindset and the reasons behind our actions, this workshop equips leaders to guide their teams in embracing change, not as a hurdle, but as a stepping stone to cultivating enriching learning environments for our learners. This is not a technical how-to; rather, it emphasizes the pivotal conversations that propel staff forward, ensuring they are energized and feel supported throughout their professional development journey.

From Digital Citizenship to Digital Leadership

Empower students to use their online presence for positive impact with actionable strategies for digital leadership.

We often inform our students that their online actions can impact their future, but do we equip them with the knowledge of how their online presence can also offer unique opportunities? There are countless inspiring examples of young people and students making a significant impact, not only bettering their own futures but also enhancing the lives of others within their schools, their communities, and across the globe. Children have the potential to effect change, and it’s vital that we concentrate on providing them with both the opportunities and the tools required to make a meaningful difference in the world through the effective use of technology and social media.

Empowering Parents in the Process of Learning

Strengthen the educational ecosystem by engaging and empowering parents as pivotal partners in student success.

Parental involvement in the learning process of schools is paramount for student success. As educators, our challenge lies in leveraging relationships and technology to not only engage parents and caregivers in the learning journey of their children but also to empower them to actively participate in our collaborative efforts. This leads to helping students carve out a pathway to success that resonates personally with them. Schools are community keystones, yet the traditional approaches to involving families need to evolve to meet the needs of both the present and the future.

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