After a busy couple of weeks, I am glad that I can continue to share some of the great stuff that I am seeing shared on Twitter and social networks. I really hope that you can share your thoughts through comments on this post, or else share these links with your colleagues if they might not be applicable to you directly.
1. Wright Stuff Music – I found this fantastic blog when I connected with Samuel Wright this past week. Not only does he share what he is learning in this blog, but he has a ton of resources on how he is doing some really innovative teaching and learning while creating some amazing music. Music is often a very specialized class in many schools, but I am hoping that people can share this resource with others as I think it is pretty unique. I am also hoping that if there are any other music specific blogs out there, that people could also share them. I had a great time just exploring this blog and trying different virtual instruments.
2. 7 Must Read Books For Education – An interesting list of books on education that also have videos that accompany the book to let you know more about the content that is shared. I really enjoyed the book “A New Culture of Learning” which is suggested in the post, and would say that it is a book that every educator should read. Missing from the list which I think is a great book on education is Marc Prensky’s “Teaching Digital Natives” (check out my kindle highlights of the book). Also, a non-education book that I would strongly suggest is Daniel Pink’s “Drive” which has some great insight on motivation; a topic that is obviously important to educators. Please feel free to suggest any books that you would think would be great to read.
3. Learning to Change, Changing to Learn; A Canadian Perspective – A few years ago, a similar video was released that talked about some changes that were happening in education that had a global view. Recently, this “Canadian version” was released that is some interesting perspectives. It ends with a fantastic quote:
“Teachers have the most powerful force for transforming the schools and that’s the students…You change a single classroom, you change the world.” Don Tapscott
Check it out below:
Have a great week!
cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by Ken Whytock