You Should Read…(December 11, 2011)

There are two more weeks of school until the Christmas break yet I am continuously inspired by educators and their work ethic coming into the final weeks.  I know that it is easy to shut down and start throwing in videos for kids to watch, but they always take their cues from us.  Keep the kids engaged in their learning and they won’t shut down before Christmas.  With that being said, we always need to continuously build relationships with our students and I hope that one of the videos will help to put a smile on the face of you and your students.

1.  Edu180ATL Project: Sabrina MannsThis inspiring project from the Atlanta learning community (which has also inspired the 184 project in Parkland School Division) shares a transparency that is so refreshing for the world of education.  As the author discusses, it is imperative that if we set high expectations for our students, we must model those same actions:

With this realization that my writing skills are seriously lacking, I am reminded of the importance of truly practicing what I tell my students to do.  If I tell my students I want them to be like professional writers, writing every day about the big and little things that happen in their lives, then I need to be writing every day. If I tell my students being a good scientist requires being observant of the world around them, then need to heighten my awareness of what’s going on around me.

It is posts like this that continuously inspire me to share my own learning and be reflective in my practice.  Definitely read this entire post, share it, as hopefully it will inspire other educators.

2. New Ways of Learning In A Rapidly Changing WorldJohn Seely Brown is one of my favourite authors in education and this eight minute video is one definitely worth watching.  If you like the video, his book “A New Culture of Learning” is also pretty amazing.

3.  Dancing With An Ipod in Public (Christmas Edition) – I could probably discuss how this video has to do with learning and how people just love creating and sharing their passions.  In reality, I just want to share it because it put a giant smile on my face this week.  That simple.


Have an amazing week!

cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by mikefisher821

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