“You can do that tomorrow.”

From the article, “Bored Out of Their Minds“:

Yet we’re still keeping them in the kind of education system… that wants nothing from them in terms of their own ideas. School has already decided what matters and [what it] expects from you. It’s like an airplane: Sit down, strap in, don’t talk, look forward. Why would it be meaningful?”

The beauty of relevance, Rose says, “is that it’s free. If you’re an educator or curriculum developer, and you saw your responsibility to ensure every kid knew why they were doing what they were doing, you can do that tomorrow.”

The whole article was interesting, as were the comments.

What I love about the sentence that I have bolded above, is that the belief is that the ability to change what school looks like, is in the hands of those that lead (from all levels) the change.

The best schools and the worst schools have the same thing in common; they are led by people.  Each has constraints put upon them (admittedly, some more than others), but their thinking and doing is what separates the great from the average.

I always use the same example in how you can teach the language of French in school (which can apply to anything). You can focus on kids getting an “A”, or you can teach them to be fluent.  If you teach them to be fluent, they will get an “A”, but if you focus on them getting an “A”, the majority will not keep much of the language after the class, if any at all.

If we had this same focus of “fluency” in how we teach all subjects, things would change significantly. And as the article states, you can make that happen tomorrow.


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