cc licensed flickr photo shared by shellyterrell
I had written the above quote on a blog post earlier this year, and today, I have started to see it come to fruition when I received this fantastic email today from one of our staff:
Hi George,
So I was chatting with my mom, and she wanted me to pass on a “thanks” to the school. She was sitting in her meeting with the tech department of her organization (She is the Transformation Manager). They are talking about changing some tech stuff there. She said, “I’m no computer wiz, but my daughter’s school seems to be on the cutting edge of educational technology, so I pay attention when she talks about tools they are using. Why are we not using Google Docs when it seems so simple? Wouldn’t that cut down on a lot of grief with server issues and emailing documents back and forth?” The young tech guy replied, “Good on you J … you are right on track!” It seems the company may be moving to Googledocs, and Facebook and Twitter have just been taken off the prohibited site list with a little push from my mom, based on some of the things we have learned.
It looks like we are heading in the right direction and I am proud that our school is inspiring others to do the same!