I remember I was about to speak at a conference and before things started, the crowd of educators was loud as they were connecting and having conversations with each other. Educators don’t get the chance to talk to each other on a personal or professional level as much as I am sure many would appreciate so starting an event can be tough. But then I saw a student who was maybe in Grade 2 stand up to the mic and welcome everyone. Within about one second, there was silence and the student commanded attention in a way that I have never seen any adult receive so quickly. After that, I have always advocated for students to speak and especially start our professional learning days. This reminds us of why we do what we do and a great way to show the results educators have on our students.
I was reminded of this story for two reasons. The first was this awesome video from not Joe Sanfelippo. Joe is a good friend of mine, and I know he was sick this week, so he had his incredible daughter Alena give the weekly leadership message, and she is unbelievable in the message and delivery.
Preparing kids to lead when they leave us means letting them lead when they’re with us. We’re all in this together. Check out #1minwalk2work for all of the #leadershipchallenge activities. #hackingleadership #leadfromwhereyouare #gocrickets pic.twitter.com/zBYWaPMq9p
— Joe Sanfelippo (@Joe_Sanfelippo) November 24, 2018
I then saw this 4-year-old, Caleb Stewart, talk about the importance and benefits of reading (thanks Nicole Dahlke for the share!) and again, the message and the delivery are powerful:
Okay. I want a kid. Just decided. pic.twitter.com/GovKUMJLUg
— Gennette Cordova (@GNCordova) November 24, 2018
These were great reminders of the importance of giving our students the opportunity to lead.
As Alena stated, “The more students own it the better they’ll like it.” I couldn’t agree more.