Now that we have dived into our school vision, here is what I am starting to see after ONLY two months.
I see what is going on in every classroom through their blogs.
I see students in our school in anticipation of having their own blog site after watching teachers model for the two months.
I see students learning about digital citizenship and our school discussing cyberbullying before it happens.
I see students creating their blogs (today).
I see students excited about creating different work through many tools that they enjoy using.
I see students leading and sharing their learning with others in the school.
I see students enthused and engaged in their blogging, especially when they receive comments from around the world.
I see students that are not only fearless, but embrace technology.
I see students excited about creating a positive digital identity.
I see students linking their ideas and beginning to ask powerful questions.
I see teachers creating different opportunities for collaboration that are new to them and the students.
I see staff excited about their learning.
I see a lot of things that I never saw last year.
What do you get to see?