Chapter Synopsis:
A new vision is imperative for schools today, but who makes it, is as important as what it states. Having a co-created vision that is created by provoking thought and understanding how to bring it to life, allows to not only dream about the “what ifs”, but make them come to life.
Further Reading/Exploration:
Howard Rheingold: Crap Detection 101
George Couros: 8 Things to Look For in Today’s Classroom
Further Viewing:
Krissy Venosdale: A Tale of Two Classrooms
Howard Rheingold: Crap Detection 101 (Video)
Discussion Questions:
- How do you involve the greater community into creating an inspiring vision for learning in your school or organization?
- Does your vision (individually and organizationally) reflect the powerful learning opportunities that are available today? Is it compelling and empowering to educators?
- What are the small steps along the way that you will need to make the vision reality?