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I will admit it. I want everything to be the best it can be for our students. Our teachers work tremendously hard, and this year they have been doing some fantastic things with some new initiatives. We have all worked our butts off this year to improve our school and we are seeing some real growth.
Today, going through all of the work that we have done, and planning for a great teacher development plan that would encourage some fantastic teacher growth, I decided to postpone the plan. Although it accounted for teacher time during school and would have been fully supported, I decided to put it aside at least for the school year.
Like the curriculum for our students, most educators wish that we could lessen the amount of objectives in our curriculum so students can deeply learn a few. With that in mind, as administrators we have to know when to push and encourage our staff, while also knowing when to slow down. It is great when we have the time to do a few new things as best we can, until they just become part of practice. I will admit this is something that I am continuously working on as an administrator, and am still growing.
Although I knew that I could totally justify “why” this initiative would be beneficial to the growth of our school, I always need to do my best to think of the workload of our staff. Teaching is a hard job and as educators we need to continuously learn, we just don’t need to learn everything now.