So today, Malyn Mawby made this amazing sketch video for the opening of my K-12 Online Conference that I will be creating this week. I loved it so much, that I thought this would also be a great thing to do for the credits. Discussing this idea, it was thrown out that maybe I could challenge my Personal Learning Network to do their own video similar to this with the idea of “Playing in Public” and show the process of a sketch. This would be a great way to see what that term looks like to different artists, and also show off some of the amazing things that I see educators and kids do all of the time.
To be honest, I am not very artistic so I don’t know what it could look like, but I would love some videos similar to Malyn’s to end my video. The whole idea of “playing in public” would be exemplified through this process. I would need the art in a “video” form and put into a dropbox file. If you are not an artist, but know someone who is and would like to do something like this, please share this post. I am open to anyone who wants to share their video, but I obviously will have to edit it somewhat to make sure it fits into the video.
The other thing, I would need these by this Friday (November 16) evening if you were interested (I would finish on the weekend).
This may be a stretch, but it never hurts to ask 🙂 If you are interested, leave a comment, contact me on Twitter, email, etc. I will share a folder to add your video.
Thanks for considering!
P.S. Please check out Malyn’s awesome video below 🙂