You can have a shiny new vision and mission statement, school or district goals, and a myriad of things that say what your district does. But none of this happens without people. If you do not value the people that you serve, and more importantly, if they do not feel valued, all of those things were a waste of money, time, and resources.
People are your school.
People are the system.
People make things happen.
Not programs. Not initiatives. Not mission statements.
I have seen amazing schools with terrible mission statements, but I have seen incredibly forward-thinking mission statements that don’t make a difference. Valuing our people doesn’t mean we don’t push them; it actually means that we do. We help them become the best version of themselves, but we start with their strengths, not their weaknesses.
To do work that matters, people need to know that they are the best resource your organisation will have, and they have to be utilised according to this belief. If you do not bring out the best in them, nothing you write on any document will matter. Those visions and mission statements can become important, but only people can bring them to life.
No mission or vision statement will ever make your school better in isolation. People do that. Focus on people.
Simple idea, yet often overlooked.