Every year, I always declare it the “Summer of George” (I think it might be take on some Frolf!) and this year the declaration will also be made. Usually the year includes traveling around, visiting friends and just relaxing. I also teach classes at World Health for the summer and try to keep in good shape for the return to school (since it is tough with all of the “treats” in the staff room the entire year!).
This summer looks a little different. I am heading to Barcelona and will be moderating a session at the PLE Conference that my brother is keynoting at (this is called riding the coattails!) and then returning to speak at a session at the NYSCATE Leadership Summit via videoconferencing. This will be my first time that I have ever presented during the summer months and I am both excited and nervous. Last summer as I moved into my first year of being a principal, I spent several hours at the school just figuring things out so that I was prepared as possible for the first day, along with the entire year.
Although I hope to have some “downtime” this summer, I have never had so much fun learning in my life. Through my PLN I have connected (it seems) with people that are ALL passionate about education. Their enthusiasm is so infectious that I just love engaging in conversations and sharing with them. I would consider this past year my most rewarding that I have had in my career, but collaborating with so many more people this year, I think it is only going to get better.
Although I am looking forward to relaxing this summer, spending time with my brother, and visiting family and friends, I am also excited on continuing my learning and creating connections with my PLN.
I would love to hear what you are doing this summer? Many are currently at #ISTE10 and I am jealous of the collaboration and learning that is going on there. I personally am looking forward to relaxing, sharing, visiting, and learning. I am excited for this new SUMMER OF GEORGE!