cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by saba khan
Here are some simple questions that I think are important to ask students at the beginning of the year:
How do you learn best?
What is something that you are passionate about?
How can I best support you to be successful this year and beyond?
What are the qualities that you look for in a teacher?
If you started the year with asking questions to your students about how they learn, wouldn’t the year start off so much better for them? One of my thoughts about these questions is that you might have several students that have no idea how to answer them. My belief is that it would be a part of what we do as educators to help them understand and answer these questions. If you would have asked me, “How do you learn best?”, when I was in grade 12, I don’t think that I would have been able to answer.
Kids should know the answers to these questions and it should help guide the way we teach them individually.
What are some of the questions you ask your students to start the year?