Below is the “vision” for Parkland School Division:
Our Vision
Parkland School Division is a place where exploration, creativity, and imagination make learning exciting and where all learners aspire to reach their dreams.
What I love about this vision is the use of the word, “learner” as opposed to “students”. WIthin my interpretation of this shared vision is that every person within this organization is empowered and expected to continuously grow. If that is the case, it also encourages all “learners” to “aspire to reach their dreams”. I remember seeing a district having an advertisement that it was a “great place to work”. So would you want to simply “work” or “aspire” to reach your dreams? I know what I would choose.
I saw a tweet sharing Krissy Venosdale’s picture below:
Interestingly enough, the tweet stated:
This should be every student’s commitment to education.
What I would challenge is that it shouldn’t only be a student’s commitment, but the commitment of all those involved in education to do those things.
If we are all learners, these actions would be the norm, not the exception.