Well if you have found your way here, you probably have read some things from my former blog. I have taken the opportunity to try and further my learning by buying my own server space and domain name. I also wanted more control over the design process as well, as blogging has become a creative outlet for myself.
As my school moves to the end of a year, we have already started visioning for next year. Creating our own site and domain for Forest Green School, I thought I should also learn more about Wordpress.Org and how it differs from my former site. We created the Forest Green site as we wanted students to create eportfolios and I wanted to lead by example, which was the reason I started this blog in the first place.
There are definitely going to be some bumps along the way (I was told that the site was slow already) but that is part of learning. Hopefully you will continue to learn along with me.
I would love to hear some of your thoughts on the new site, format, anything?!?!? It would be great to continue to learn along with you.
A HUGE thanks to my brother, Alec for pushing me to start a new site while also helping me with a lot of technical difficulties. I really also wanted to thank Jared Bennett who helped me so much with my site and the new Forest Green site.