cc licensed flickr photo shared by carlaarena
I had the opportunity to sit in on a session with Will Richardson and a fantastic group of educators from south of the border. There was a question that he asked the group that really stuck out with me:
“What’s one fear you’re going to have to overcome to lead your school forward?”
As I thought about the “traditional” list of fears that have popped up as we progress, they were not driving me at all. I sat back and thought about what “fear” drives me. Here they are:
- Fear of students learning “compliance” instead of just “learning”.
- Fear of students asking why they have no grade on their report card because they don’t know how they are doing.
- Fear a student asks “why are there no awards” because I have not taken the time to show them I value them every chance I get.
- Fear that we teach our students that rewards should drive their learning, not their passion.
- Fear that we prepare our students to be good at school, instead of being good at life.
- Fear of the world changing around our schools, while we stay the same.
- Fear that students will NOT ask powerful questions.
- Fear that students will not see themselves as artists.
- Fear that students will not have the opportunity to create and collaborate.
- Fear that we are not giving students opportunities to lead within our school.
- Fear that we do not focus on the importance of connections and relationships.
- Fear that our students and staff are not having fun.
Those are some of the fears that drive me. I am blessed that I have the opportunity to work with a community that puts my mind to rest 🙂
What fear drives you?